Schools Training
Schools Training Package
We offer a 6-week programme for 5 students to help tackle school avoidance or resistance, support mental well-being by reducing social anxiety and promoting confidence. The programme lasts six weeks and includes:
- A total of 15 hours of instruction
- Safe use of domestic sewing machines and overlockers
- Pattern making and adaptations
- Producing an upcycled denim bag, pyjama bottoms and a zipped pencil case
Part 2: Staff Training
A 1-hour suicide prevention skills session for up to 15 members of staff to be held on school premises.
- Understanding the current statistics
- The importance of using appropriate language
- Risk Factors for suicidal ideation
- How to spot the signs and open a conversation around suicide
- Appropriate signposting
What the Heads of Year said:
- The course had resulted in the group experiencing much improved levels of confidence and increased levels of school attendance.
- “What a superb project this has been”
- “Year 8 & 9 students are learning so many new skills at The Big Fandango, what a superb team of practitioners”